Burn Bryte
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Pronunciation Guide
The following Pronunciation Guide has the official pronunciations for proper names and other terminology in Burn Bryte.
Celestial Bodies
- Aerenaze (er reh NAYZ)
- Ardone (arr DOHN)
- Bycek (BIGH sehk)
- Cavabell (cah VAH bell)
- Chitus (KIGH tuss)
- Cyprit (SIGH pritt)
- Dright (DRIGHT)
- Echea (eh CHAY ah)
- Fragon (frag ON)
- Guanta (GWAHNT ah)
- Gulgi (GULG ee)
- Herzot (hur ZOT)
- Lilla (LEE lah)
- Marthong (mar THONG)
- Murtath (mur TAHTH)
- Nelnel (NELL NELL)
- Nop (NAHP)
- Olaxis (oh LAX us)
- Olve (Uhl Vay)
- Ozobny (OZ ob NEE)
- Panlinh (pan LIN)
- Pax (PAX)
- Pholm (flam)
- Quejua (Kay HOO ah)
- Quinte (keen TAY)
- Ruat (roo AT)
- Schee (SKEE)
- Suukap (soo kap)
- Tsela (TSELL ah)
- Valdi (vahl DEE)
- Vamma (vah mah)
- Vocha (VOH cha)
- Yvlen (EE vlehn)
- Zessht (ZEHSSHT)
Creatures and NPCs
- Avellum (ah VELL um)
- Belwri (BELL ree)
- Black Ice Koa (KOH ah)
- Fermani (fur MAHN ee)
- Hianthi (hee AHN thee)
- Nivick (nih VICK)
- NovaVia (NOH vah VEE ah)
- Povi (POH vee)
- Sugence Massa (SOO jens mah SAH)
- Tilde Mere (TILL deh MEER)
- Zzhure (ZURE)
- Fogthu (FAHG thoo)
- Vocox (voh COX)
Days of the Week
- Aon (ay ON)
- Dha (DAH)
- Tri (TREE)
- Ceithir (SAY theer)
- Coig (COYG)
- Sia (SEE ah)
- Sesa (SAY sah)
- Baghan (bah GAHN)
- Moja (moh JAH)
- Mbili (mm BEE lee)
- Tatu (tah TOO)
- Nen (NEN)
- Tano (tah NO)
- Sita (see TAH)
- Saba (sah BAH)
- Nane (nah NAY)
- Tisa (TEE sah)
- Kumi (koo MEE)
- Kunye (KOON yay)
- Rebili (reh BEE li)
- Athu (AH thoo)
Playable Species
- Driftling (DRIFT ling)
- Glean (GLEEN)
- Ino (EE no)
- Kith’uk (kith UK)
- Peacecraft (PEACE CRAFT)
- Ror-nan (ROR nan)
- Ulran (ul RAN)
- Zivoy (zeh VOI)
- Bahiri (BAH hee REE)
- Egan (EE gan)
- Kosma (KOHS mah)
- Porde (por DAY)
- Rythwir Telanco (RITH wur tell ANK oh)
- Senchal (SEHN chahl)
- Vaans (VAHNS)
- Vel (VEL)
- Vi Marone (VIGH mur OWN)
- Wessh (WEHSH)
- Xura (ZUR ah)
Religious Terms
- Allut (ah LOOT)
- Faza (fah ZAH)
- Goulmock (GOOL mock)
- Maltomeck (MAL toh MEHCK)
- Nolo (null OH)
- Talla (tah LAH)
- Kasna (KAHS nah)
- Bulma (BULL mah)
- Xallas (ZALL ahs)
- Vella (VELL ah)
- Caway (cah WAY)
- Tallamo (tall AH moh)
- Calla (CAHL ah)
- Collites (COH lights)
- Vyla (VIGH lah)